Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Burlap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Bow Lady has a great new selection of Burlap ribbon for every kind of use!!!come down and see!!!!, stay cool!!night, David

Friday, July 12, 2013


I had a great time at the open house tonight!!!With the mild weather it was a double treat. I saw Saturn and Titan, plus the Moon close up. I am so glad Ole Miss has something not centered on Football, so rare!!!!!!!!!!!!. And if I hear one more time how football brings so much money into town I am going to barf right there and then!!!How about some History and Science for a change folks?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"them Rebels" need to put down the Jack and Coke and pick up a text book!!!!!!!!!!night, David

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy July

Everyone Enjoy July cause in a few weeks Oxford will be huge again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!night, David