Friday, March 27, 2009

Where's MY spring break?

Who is ready for the weekend? I know I sure am. The work for me is only just beginning. I am traveling with local celebrities Zoogma to Memphis. They have been kind enough to allow me to perform with them and do what I love the most, HOOP! What a way to spend my weekend!!!
I was contacted by one of our distributors yesterday to inquire about purchasing another one of my fitness hoops for a friend of hers. She purchased one of her own about a month and a half ago because I had sung it's praises so highly. Well, she decided to weigh and take her measurements, just out of curiosity. To her surprise, she had lost 22 pounds!!! She then skipped the measurements and went straight for the jeans she thought she would never fit into again. Low and behold, THEY FIT!!! I knew that my hoop had done wonders for not only my physique but also other areas of my life, but it was so wonderful to have actual results, from actual customers, my customer!!!! Amazing!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fed Ex

Since more than 70 percent of our flowers arrive via FED EX we are sadden to see the awful crash at Narita. Our thoughts are with all the FED Ex families. Night, David

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hoola's Hard Day

Here is little Hoola, hard at work. What would we do without all the extra help she gives? She helps us remember to take a moment to stop and smell the flowers. Life is Good!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Does it ever stop? We are now getting news about where the money went from AIG. Well what about the other 9 trillion we have given out to the banks. My bank plays by the rules and is being punished as if it was one of the big guys. It should be very clear to everybody that this country is ruled by the big guys at the expense of all us small businesses and banks. I want to say that both Mc Cain and our current President voted for this and I really want to vomit when I hear how upset they and Barney Frank are when the bonuses are made public. It's got to get better and maybe we will act like the French and hit the streets in protest one of these days. Night, David

Friday, March 13, 2009


Lauren is on her way to Miami to catch one of those big, dirty, boats to Freeport Nasty, nasty, boats, hope she has had all her shots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We can only hope the shopping and booze are worth it. You would have to get me drunk to get on the voyage from hell or to hell for that matter. Have fun Lauren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

sea kittens

Gab has found the seakittens in the front window, needless to say that there is a new group of photos!!!!hate this weather!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our new addition!

Meet our newest member of the Bette's Flower's family. Mr. Black decided to go on extended vacation over Christmas and we got lonely. This little doll came to us on Valentine's day. What a wonderful way to be rewarded for all the hard work. She brightens our day by making us smile and laugh, ALOT!! Hoola loves to meet new friends, so take time to stop and smell the flowers or hold an adorable puppy! We here at Bette's got you covered, which ever you may decide.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Gab's new puppy, Hoola, is now yellow!!!Gab and I turned our backs for just a few minutes to find Hoola had eaten several yellow lilies. I didnot realize puppies are just like pet coons. Hoola is just into everything. Gab will put up a pic of Hoola very soon. Best regards to all, David

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We love our customers!

What a treat! When I arrived at the shop at the crack of 9:30 this morning, I was presented breakfast and coffee ---a gift from a very sweet and appreciative customer. Our customers are the best! Their loyalty and genuine friendships make almost all of the day to day struggles worth the effort.

Thanks, Sue! You rule!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

How was your weekend?

You never really get a weekend off in the floral industry. There is always a wedding or funeral that takes place on a Sunday, which makes for almost no break. Now that spring is upon us, I will be creating time for myself, and making the most of it. You may have seen me around, carrying an arm full of hula hoops, looking for the perfect spot to spin. I know, I know, sounds silly to most, but don't knock it til you try it. I started this little hobby almost two years ago, and it has evolved into a full on obsession. I had read somewhere that Beyonce was hooping to stay in shape. I did a little research and found all of these wonderful benefits it possessed. Before I knew it, I was hooked. I had to learn the next trick, I had to hoop longer than before, and I just had to have the coolest looking hoop. I loved the feeling of accomplishment I got when I had this moment of flow and oneness with my hoop, and still do. Before I knew it, I was making hoops, selling hoops, and spreading the hoop love. Who could ask for a more fulfilling past time? If you ever see me out and about, feel free to ask me questions or to use a hoop. I do offer lessons, private or group, so don't feel pressured. I also keep hoops at the shop, just in case. You never know when the mood might hit.I love meeting new people and sharing hoop advice, so come see me and we can make the most of the weekend together. :-)
Gabrielle Lott, Mgr Bette's Flowers

Camille's reaction to our blog

Camille is just speechless about our new blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


What a great sight to see all this wonderful snow. Oran and I (David) drove over to Magnolia Wholesale in Tupelo this afternoon .We found great new items for the store. Our great manager Gab Lott ( we stoled her from another store on the square) will place all these neat gift items in the morning through out the showrooms. We now have two puppies in the store. This is a new twist for Bette's since we are cat folks. Mr Black will have to great lunch if these puppies miss behave!!! I just read where we are giving another 30 billion to AIG. The best part of this mess is we are going to forgive the loans!!!! I wonder if Bette's could become a bank? but we have never taken a hand out from anyone and never will!!!

Thanks to our Oran

We are so happy to have my partner come down and get our blog going!!!!!This is very exciting for us. All of us at Bette's look forward to sharing our life here in our store with all of you.

Mr. Black helping at Bette's